Congratulations to everyone that completed our Winter Break Reading Challenge to read Witness Lee’s book, How to Be Useful to the Lord, in five weeks! In addition to the spiritual benefit received, all the students that completed the challenge earned a $25 discount on registration for the Spring Retreat.
The Lord wants to use all those whom He has redeemed for the fulfillment of His purpose. However, this requires us to be willing to open our being to Him and allow Him to work within us.
Here is a sampling of what we enjoyed from the reading:
Chapter 1
“I enjoyed that when we have a heart that wants to be used by the Lord, that is His work in us. It’s the Lord’s grace that we can have such a heart for Him and we should realize that this is not a small matter. Another part that stood out to me was about ‘paying the price.’ In the reading it says the reason the Lord is not back yet is because the price we are willing to pay is too small. The Lord wants us to give up EVERYTHING and follow Him. When we do that, that is when we will be able to receive a revelation from Him.” (Phoebe T.)
Chapter 2
“The real lessons of pursuing the Lord occur in our daily life. Each day, we can learn to pursue the Lord by paying a price. Paying the price can be as simple as waking up five minutes earlier to spend more time with the Lord or as hard as choosing the Lord over our family, career, or reputation. The result of paying the price is that we gain God.” (Laura M.)
Chapters 3 & 4
“I liked how these chapters talked about the importance of receiving God’s gift by enjoying it and using it in our daily life. I think this is a great reminder of how important it is to be in the word and live out our lives for God. By doing this we are then able to grow and mature in our faith.” (Eva E.)
Chapter 5
“This chapter shows us the economy of God’s grace. He is dispensing His grace to us according to His eternal purpose. I was impressed that according to Romans 8:29, our salvation is for us to be conformed to the image of His Son! This is only possible with God.” (Viktor T.)
Chapter 6
“We have received a serving life. Even for eternity, we will serve the Lord. Daily, we can choose to consecrate ourselves and afterwards receive his coordinated inward and outward dealings. Then, His life will be able to be expressed from within us and our function and usefulness will grow out from within us.” (Matthew M.)